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瑞士圣加仑论坛(St. Gallen Symposium)由国际大学生委员会(International Students’ Committee) 等筹办组织,至今已有40多年历史,因其筹办组织水准之高在欧洲乃至全球都享有盛誉。圣加仑论坛每年从全球邀请数百名管理、政治、公民社会等各领域的领袖人物或权威学者就全球共同关注的热点问题发表专题讲座,并同与会学生进行讨论交流,从而搭建现在与未来领导者之间沟通的桥梁。 第47届圣加伦研讨会的主题是“The dilemma of disruption”,组委会围绕这一主题举办优秀作品竞赛,学生可向大会提交专业作品参赛,作品形式可以是论文、商业策划、项目报告、多媒体展示、商业想法等,语言为英语。组委会将评选出100份优秀作品,邀请作者赴瑞士参加该研讨会,并负担国际旅费和在瑞期间食宿费用。

研讨会时间:2017年5月3日-5日 申请截止:2017年2月1日,直接向竞赛组织方提交作品。 项目详细介绍、作品竞赛的题目范围及申请方法请参看:




Dear Student, Would you like to present your disruptive ideas to world leaders such as Dominic Barton, Professor Niall Ferguson, Christine Lagarde, Jack Ma, President Tony Tan Keng Yam, and Ratan Tata?

Discuss your ideas with the global elite, create an impact, win CHF 20,000.– and enjoy an all-expenses-paid trip to Switzerland. Seize the opportunity and qualify as one of 200 “Leaders of Tomorrow” for the 47th St. Gallen Symposium ( by competing for the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award 2017. Here some more highlights if you make it to St. Gallen:

 Meet 600 top managers, entrepreneurs, politicians and scientists from more than 50 nations

 Share your ideas with the symposium’s global audience

 Small and intimate gatherings with world leaders, exclusively for the Leaders of Tomorrow

 Meet 200 of the world’s brightest young minds and become member of a global community

 Broad media coverage

The 47th St. Gallen Symposium will be held from 3–5 May 2017 at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, focusing on the topic “The dilemma of disruption”. The St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award is the world’s most prestigious essay competition of its kind giving you the extraordinary opportunity to share your voice and opinion with some of the world’s most influential leaders and decision makers.

Have a look at the competition question and requirements at, register now to receive the latest news and tips, and hand in your essay no later than 1 February 2017. To get more insights check out and follow us on our Social Media channels. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you to our forum in Switzerland in May 2017! With best regards,

Daniil, Julian, and Kaspar Your Leaders of Tomorrow Team

International Students’ Committee (ISC) [email protected]

St. Gallen Symposium

P.O. Box 1045

9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Phone +41 71 227 20 20, Fax +41 71 227 20 30

上一篇:2017年度“科研基金项目”、2016年拔尖创新人才培育资助计划入选人员的名单公示 下一篇:关于召开“中国人民大学—香港城市大学 联合培养博士研究生”项目宣讲会的通知