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讲座报名 | BIS 前高级经济学家 Dr. Poenisch :金融创新与监管(英文)

时间:2024-04-17 来源: 点击:

主讲嘉宾简介| Bio of Speaker

Herbert Poenisch,中国人民大学国际货币研究所 (IMI) 国际委员、BIS原高级经济学家。Herbert Poenisch博士具有国际金融机构和国际组织的丰富工作阅历,曾担任国际清算银行、国际货币基金组织、经合组织和亚洲开发银行等多个国际组织的高级经济学家,并曾担任奥地利中央银行经济学家。他致力于对银行系统和金融市场的分析研究。在长期的职业生涯中,他一直关注金融市场的创新以及这些创新对系统性金融稳定的影响。他曾为世界各地的中央银行和监管机构举办过一百多场相关主题的研讨会,包括拉丁美洲和加勒比地区、中东、非洲、东欧、前苏联、南亚、远东地区,尤其是中国。此外,他创立了虚拟组织eBIS,为世界各地的中央银行和监管机构发布相关主题的研究成果。

Herbert Poenisch, Member of the International Monetary Institute of RUC’s International Committee, Former Senior Economist of BIS. Dr. Herbert Poenisch has accumulated wide experience on an international level, working as senior economist for various international organizations, such as the BIS, IMF, OECD and the Asian Development Bank, as well as on a national level, working as Economist for the Austrian National Bank. He is intimately familiar with the analysis of banking systems and financial markets. He gained his thorough knowledge through the collection and analysis of statistics of banks, securities and derivatives markets. Over a long career he has kept abreast of innovations in the financial markets, their impact on systemic financial stability. He organized over a hundred workshops and seminars on these topics for central banks and regulatory authorities in various parts of the world, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, various regions of Africa, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and finally south Asia as well as the Far East, in particular China. In addition, he set up a virtual organization, the eBIS where documents and discussions on these issues are posted for central banks and regulatory authorities.