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[Finance and Taxation Forum] The first phase of 2019 (total Phase 157)


Decision-making participation and elite mobilization in the allocation of public finance funds

Time: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 12:00-13:30

Location: Room 714, Mingde Main Building

Speaker: Liu Mingxing

Host: Zhang Jing

Abstract: Based on empirical evidence from the data of education finance motions/proposals of NPC deputies and CPPCC members, the lecture focused on the action characteristics and evolution trend of elite participation in the process of public finance fund allocation. The research finds that the policy orientation of central finance directly affects the actual form of elite mobilization, and the elite mobilization itself also reduces the information asymmetry in the central decision-making process. Through a long period of public policy participation in action, the elite formed a rich and diverse network relationship, and eventually had a complex impact on the arrangement of central and local financial systems.

About the speaker: Born in 1972, Doctor of Economics, now professor of China Institute of Education and Financial Science, Peking University. His research interests include development economics and political economy. Since 2003, he has published more than 100 academic papers in both Chinese and English. Among them, Including American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Political Behavior, China Quarterly, Chinese Social Sciences, Economic Research, Sociological Research, Political Science Research, CPC History Research, etc. In addition, Published scholarly works Revolutionary Legacy, Power Structure, and Grassroots Capitalism under the Red Flag in China '(Cambridge University Press).