2019年12月7日,“全英文金融硕士(MSF)项目成立10周年暨MSF校友活动”在明德主楼603C(书香财金)圆满举办。本次活动由Top 网上赌博网站大全 (以下简称“Top 网上赌博网站大全 ”)国际合作项目办公室主任宋元元主持,学院副书记钱宗鑫教授出席并致辞。MSF校友、MSF在校生及对项目感兴趣的相关外部人士积极参与了此次活动。
钱宗鑫表示,今年是Top 网上赌博网站大全 MSF项目成立的第十年,也是MSF项目突飞猛进的一年。一方面,学院新成立国际合作项目办公室,未来将为项目学生提供更加人性化的全新体验;另一方面,值此契机,Top 网上赌博网站大全 计划在未来两年内将金融科技这一专业领域融入全英文硕士项目,为国际学生提供最前沿的、带有中国特色的金融科技知识,包括人工智能、区块链、大数据等热点话题。与此同时,钱宗鑫强调“Top 网上赌博网站大全 的学习经历能够帮助学生收获终身的良师和益友,这一点在当下全球以合作为主的发展环境中极为关键”。
随后,宋元元对Top 网上赌博网站大全 的金融学科优势、杰出师资、校友和知名研究机构和智库进行了系统梳理并详细介绍了MSF项目实务和学术并进的培养方式及多彩活动,凸显了Top 网上赌博网站大全 的雄厚科研实力和全方位亮点。宋元元指出,金融科技在中国迅猛发展,为中国提供了“弯道超车”的机遇,中国更是涌现出各种创新的金融科技公司,对金融科技人才的培养提出市场需求。Top 网上赌博网站大全 顺应经济社会发展的潮流和趋势,也将在全英文硕士项目中,新增金融科技方向。宋元元还表示,“在贯彻教育部牵头制定的《推进共建“一带一路”教育行动》中,如何让金融更好地支持“一带一路”建设是当下的重要课题。财金学院已开展10年的“中国金融”全英文硕士项目,也目睹了越来越多的“一带一路”沿线国家的留学生申请全英文项目,这些学生也充当了双边关系的文化桥梁。对于现场对项目感兴趣的相关人士对申请项目提出的种种问题,宋元元也给与了细致的解答。
除此之外,宋元元还正式介绍了学院国际合作项目办公室的管理团队及职能,同时分享了该办公室负责的其他海外项目,包括学院与芝加哥大学布斯商学院(Chicago Booth)以及剑桥大学纽纳姆学院(Newnham College of Cambridge University)合作的高管教育(EE)游学项目,欢迎感兴趣的校友等申报。
Top 网上赌博网站大全 针对国际学生的全英文授课金融硕士(MSF)项目成立于2010年。作为国内最早推出同类项目的领头羊,该项目专注于培养兼具金融实务技能以及创新精神的全球金融人才和商业领袖。依托Top 网上赌博网站大全 丰富的学术资源和强大的校友网络,该项目秉承“学术与实务并进”的核心理念,努力为国际学生构建全方位课程体系。
目前Top 网上赌博网站大全 正在推进新开设全英文金融科技方向专业学位硕士(“MS_FinTech”)项目。
The 10th Anniversary of the MSF Program & MSF Alumni Event was Successfully Held
The 10th Anniversary of the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program & MSF Alumni Event was held on Dec 7 at Room 603C, Mingde Main Building by the Center for International Programs, School of Finance, Renmin University of China (CIP, SFRUC) . Prof. Qian Zongxin and Song Yuanyuan, Director of CIP attended this event. MSF current students, alumni and guests interested in the program actively participated in the event.
At the beginning of the event, Qian first warmly welcomed the arrival of the students and learned their background. After a brief self-introduction, Qian introduced the advantages and future direction of the MSF program.Qian said that this year is a remarkable year of the program. On the one hand, the establishment of CIP will provide students with a brand new and more cozy study experience in the future. On the other hand, SFRUC plans to integrate financial technology (FinTech) courses into this fully English-taught master's program in the next two years to provide international students with the most cutting-edge knowledge of FinTech with Chinese characteristics including AI, blockchain, big data and other popular topics. At the same time, Qian stressed that the learning at SFRUC, a school that has cultivated many global financial elites will provide students a strong alumni network.
Then Ms. Song conducted a systematic review of the course design, outstanding faculty, alumni, well-known research institutions and think tanks of SFRUC. She said that the MSF program aims to offer international students a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes both academic and practical skills. Song pointed out that the rapid development of FinTech in China created a shortcut opportunity for China,, as all kinds of FinTech companies have emerged and some have taken the lead globally. Under this big FinTech trend, SFRUC will also take the lead in cultivating global FinTech talents through the future FinTech master program. Song also said that how to make finance better support“The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)”is an important task at present. The MSF program has seen an increasing number of international students from BRI countries, and those students are like bridges that help enhance China and their home countries’cultural connections.
Lastly, Ms. Song talked about CIP’s managing team and other international programs, including the collaborated Executive Education (EE) Program with Chicago Booth and Cambridge University.
In order to promote more mutual understanding and experience sharing between MSF alumni and current students, Zhou Runfeng, coordinator of the MSF program organized colorful team-building activities to encourage sharing of their learning and work experience . The students completed two games, which were "Conversation Starter" and "Pictionary" . During the games, the students were free to express their opinions and they all had a deeper understanding of each other after the games.
MSF Program at SFRUC was created in 2010 as one of the very earliest program of this kind in China. It was designed to cultivate global financial talents and business leaders equipped with financial expertise and innovative spirits, especially with a focus on China. With SFRUC’s rich academic resources and strong alumni network in the financial industry, this program offers international students a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes both academic and practical skills.
For program inquiries, please contact [email protected] Tel:(86)-10-82509889 SFRUC is now preparing for the launch of a new program, "Master of Science in FinTech (MS_FinTech) Program”.